Dr. Thierry Dubert, presendintele comitetului de traumatologia mainii din Federatia Societatilor Europene pentru Chirurgia Mainii FESSH, Vicepresendinte FESUM, la terminarea stagiului de un an la Clinica La Francilienne.
“I welcomed Dr. Serban Porumb in April 1st, 2003, he has been working with us until April 1st, 2004. During this period of time, this young plastic and reconstructive surgeon, showed very good capacities in terms of scientific knowledge, clinical and technical skills. He is a reliable, industrious and dedicated person, possessing strong medical theoretical knowledge and practical skills in plastic and hand surgery. His clinical skills, surgical abilities and interest in research made him a valuable member of our team. His character and moral attitude toward patients, doctors and nurses, have won to him the esteem of the medical stuff and of the whole team, being appreciated as a good collegue.”
Thierry Dubert, MD
- Chairman of the Hand Trauma Committee of the Federation of the European Societies for Surgery of the Hand (FESSH)
- President du Reseau Prevention Main Ile de France
- Vice-President de la FESUM
- Redacteur en chef de la Revue de Chirurgie de la main